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A new emergency order that went into effect in Manhattan Beach Wednesday makes way for people to be fined hundreds of dollars if they’re caught violating the county’s mask mandate.

Many people in the city were flouting the requirement to cover their face in public, prompting officials to authorize citations “in the interest of public health and safety,” according to the order.

The first offense will result in a $100 fine, the second a $200 fine, and third-time violators will face a $350 fine.

They will be issued as an administrative citation, meaning it will not result in a criminal record. However, the order also allows for the violation to be prosecuted as a misdemeanor.

“The time for warnings is over. Face coverings must be worn when you are outside of your home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” Mayor Richard Montgomery said in a statement.

Manhattan Beach joins other Southern California cities — including West Hollywood, Santa Monica and Beverly Hills — in cracking down on the use of face coverings with fines.

Manhattan Beach police intend to enforce the new order, but officials are still working on the logistics of implementing it without endangering officers, said Sgt. Tim Zins, a spokesperson for the department.

“I haven’t received direction when or how this will begin until they figure out these logistics,” Zins wrote in an email. “It’s a hard line to walk because we are a small department and if our personnel gets infected while writing a tickets, they could potentially infect others with the department and we could potentially have personnel who have to be quarantined.”

The sergeant said he expects more direction in the coming days.

In April, at least 129 people were cited for violating Manhattan Beach’s social distancing rules and faced a fine of up to $1,000, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Some people are exempt from the Manhattan Beach mask order, including children under 2 years old, those with a condition or disability that prevents them from covering their face, and people who are hard of hearing or need to communicate with someone who is.

People who are swimming or “engaged in other water-based activities” also don’t need to wear a mask, officials said.

Anyone seated at a restaurant must have both their nose and mouth covered whenever they’re not actively eating or drinking, according to the order.

Local jurisdictions have been given leeway to decide how — or if — they’ll enforce the statewide mask mandate issued June 18. The order allows for fines and other penalties, including possible misdemeanor charges.

Face coverings have also been required in Los Angeles County since May 14.