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Startups are hoping to advance healthcare through a unique partnership between a major hospital and mentorship program.

There have been a lot of advances in the medical field, but sometimes they just don’t happen fast enough.

Recently we visited a unique program happening at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles that pairs tech startups with the mentorship they need.

It’s a joint venture between the hospital and a nationwide tech incubation program called Techstars. Basically, a “class” of startups are invited in to share a workspace while they come up with the next big thing in healthcare. They get the support they need in the form of mentorship both from doctors at the hospital and successful business leaders.

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While there are currently 11 companies in Cedar’s Innovation Space, we talked to three of them to find out what sort of solutions they are working on.

  • Inscope Medical Solutions – They are developing the OneScope, a new type of laryngoscope that is the first all-in-one intubation solution to provide a clear view of every airway.
  • Stasis Labs – They are developing a more friendly vitals monitoring system for hospital rooms which can help stop emergencies before they happen.
  • AppliedVR – They are developing Virtual Reality environments for patients that can help transport their mind away from pain and anxiety.

All 11 companies will pitch investors, venture capitalists and the media at a Demo Day on June 23.

Learn more about the Techstars program at Cedars-Sinai here.