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Enjoy this weekend weather while it lasts, Angelenos. Next week, Mother Nature is turning up the heat.

Temperatures in Los Angeles are expected to reach the low-to-mid 70s on Friday and the mid-to-high 70s on Saturday and Sunday.

The National Weather Service said such temperatures are “below normal,” and low clouds are expected in most coastal and valley areas at night and through the morning.

Come Monday, however, daily highs will enter the 80s. By Friday, they’ll be in the upper 80s.

“Significant warming is expected Monday and Tuesday, with a prolonged period of heat likely away from the coast all of next week,” the NWS said.

“A big-time warm-up kicks in Sunday, heading into Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In the valleys and Inland Empire, we’re probably going to be back into the 100-degree mark,” said KTLA’s Mark Kriski.

Aside from the warm weather, some parts of Southern California should expect to see windy conditions.

“There will be some gusty southwest winds each afternoon and evening in the Antelope Valley and Highway 14 Corridor, with gusty northwest winds across southwestern Santa Barbara County each night,” the NWS explained.