Norovirus Sickened 60 at Luxury Hotel in Bay Area, Health Officials Say

A outbreak of norovirus sickened dozens beginning at an NAACP conference at the Hotel Sofitel in Redwood City, pictured. (Credit: Google Maps)

Public health officials say 60 people who fell ill after staying at a Bay Area luxury hotel two weeks ago contracted the norovirus — a highly contagious virus that can lead to stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.

San Mateo County health officials confirmed Friday that the guests and employees of the Hotel Sofitel in Redwood City became ill sometime after Oct. 28, and traced the illness to the highly contagious norovirus, which spreads after contact with an infected person or contaminated food and water.

The first group of sick guests attended an NAACP conference that day at the hotel, according to the county’s health system.

The county’s Environmental Health Services inspected the hotel’s food operations and found no violations that could have been linked to food-borne illness. Officials are also interviewing “numerous people, most of whom are no longer in the area.”

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