Oxnard man gets 24 years for prolonged sex abuse of girl

Javier Miramontez Jr. is shown in an undated photo provided by the Ventura County District Attorney's Office.

An Oxnard man was sentenced to 24 years in state prison on Tuesday for molesting a young girl over the course of three years a decade ago.

Javier Miramontez Jr., now 31, pleaded guilty on May 15 to three felony counts of lewd acts on a minor, as well as special allegations that he took advantage of a position of trust and targeted a vulnerable person, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office said in a news release.

In 2013, Miramontez “repeatedly molested the victim when she was between seven and ten years old,” only stopping once the victim revealed the abuse to a family member.

“The victim and her family courageously spoke at the sentencing hearing about surviving this trauma,” said Senior Deputy District Attorney Edward Andrews, who prosecuted the case. “These crimes depend on secrecy, and I hope that others will be encouraged by the victim’s bravery to come forward.”

Miramontez is due back in Ventura County Superior Court on Aug. 12 for a restitution hearing.