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The Palm Springs City Council has passed a motion that will require proof of vaccination — or recent negative COVID-19 test results — in order to dine or drink indoors. The regulations were approved unanimously during a special — and virtual — meeting Wednesday that was convened to discuss a series of new measures meant to curb the spread of the virus.

Effective immediately, customers, employees and other visitors must wear face coverings in indoor settings. The same goes for large ticketed city events outside, such as the two-weekend music festival Splash House, which begins Aug. 13.

Later this month, proof of vaccination or negative test results will be required for indoor seating at bars and restaurants, which will have three weeks to implement the restrictions. A representative for the city said that there is not a determined time window necessary for the Covid-19 test results (though within 72 hours of entry is being discussed), nor is vaccination required for employees of bars and restaurants.

Palm Springs Mayor Christy Holstegesaid the new order came at the request of many Palm Springs’ restaurateurs: Before Wednesday’s vote, city hall officials said a survey of local-business owners found roughly 70% in favor of the restrictions. Some restaurateurs had already begun implementing the rules.

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