Dozens of People Celebrate MLK Day at Lunada Bay to Peacefully Protest Against Localism

In an undated photo, a surfer rides a big wave at Lunada Bay, where a local group called the Bay Boys keeps away outsiders. (Credit: Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

Dozens of people flocked to Palos Verdes Estates on Monday to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and protest the localism that long has kept outsiders away from a popular surf spot there.

A Palos Verdes Estates police officer watches for trouble at Lunada Bay, where local surfers have clashed with outsiders. (Credit: Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

For decades, surfers who have made the trek to Lunada Bay have complained they were harassed and their vehicles vandalized by a group known as the Bay Boys, who were determined to keep the public beach and its waves to themselves.

But on Monday, the rock and sand shore and the bluffs above were filled with a steady stream of surfers and beach-goers from across Southern California, under the watchful eye of local police officers. 

The rocky reef and outcroppings of land on both sides of Lunada Bay help create waves in long, unbroken ribbons that are among the best in Southern California. 

Click here to read the full story on LATimes.com.
