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Pomona City Councilman Rubio Ramiro Gonzalez, 45, pictured in a photo provided by the city.
Pomona City Councilman Rubio Ramiro Gonzalez, 45, pictured in a photo provided by the city.

A Pomona city councilman has been accused of “child annoyance or molestation” and possession of child pornography, authorities said Friday.

Rubio Gonzalez, 45, was arrested Thursday on suspicion of “possession of child sexual abuse material and annoying or molesting a child,” said Greg Risling, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.

Gonzalez did not respond to an email seeking comment. Risling declined to elaborate on the nature of the allegations or what led to Gonzalez’s arrest.

In a statement, city spokesman Mark Gluba said officials have not been able to contact Gonzalez and were not aware if he planned to resign from the City Council in the wake of the arrest.

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