A suspect wanted in an alleged armed robbery who led authorities on a dangerous high-speed pursuit with his girlfriend and 2-month-old daughter in the car in Los Angeles on Wednesday live-streamed the chase on his Instagram account.  

The incident began with a trio of suspects who were wanted in connection with an armed robbery in Beverly Hills.  

Two of the suspects, according to reporting by KTLA’s Rick Chambers, were quickly taken into custody.  

The third suspect, though, reportedly had his girlfriend pick him up.  

That car was later spotted in Hawthorne, which led to a high-speed chase with officers from the Hawthorne Police Department and was eventually taken over by deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.  

The suspect made his way into downtown Los Angeles where Sky5 captured him hitting speeds of 80 miles per hour on surface streets, coming dangerously close to hitting a Metro bus, running red lights and stop signs, as well as weaving through heavy traffic and driving on the wrong side of the road. 

While viewers watched the events unfold on live television, the drama playing out inside the vehicle was being streamed on the suspect’s Instagram account. 

  • Pursuit suspect stream
  • Pursuit suspect stream
  • Pursuit suspect stream
  • Pursuit suspect stream
  • Pursuit suspect stream
  • Pursuit suspect stream

In that footage, the suspect’s girlfriend can be heard demanding that he pull over, screaming for him to let her and his child out of the car.  

“Just let us out the car,” she’s heard saying.  

“This is sheriffs, they going to kill me,” he responds. 

“You’re not thinking about your baby right now,” she says. “You’re fixing to get your baby killed.”

“Bro, I don’t want to go back to jail,” he says.  

“It’s over, bro, it’s over,” she screams back. “It’s reality.”  

Nearly an hour after the pursuit began, the suspect turned onto a dead-end street in the L.A. neighborhood of Blair Hills and was quickly surrounded by deputy patrol vehicles.  

After a brief standoff, in which the suspect shows authorities his daughter is in the car, both he and his girlfriend, who was carrying their child, emerge from the vehicle.  

The girlfriend was quickly escorted behind law enforcement lines where she surrendered the child, was handcuffed and put into a patrol vehicle.  

The man was also cuffed and taken into custody.  

The child was later seen in the care of a female deputy.  

“I saw she was just crying, so I just wanted to soothe her and make sure she was okay,” deputy Adriana Martinez said. “It took me back to when I used to hold my daughter, making sure she was okay and she’s just crying. It was just motherly instinct. I was glad I was there, and I was able to take care of her.”  

The child was uninjured during the ordeal.  

KTLA was at the sheriff’s station when the mother was reunited with her daughter. It’s unclear if she will be facing any charges.  

The robbery suspect, who is on parole, will likely face several different charges, including carjacking, robbery, kidnapping and being in possession of a firearm.  

The dangerous, high-speed pursuit, captured by Sky5, can be seen by following this link.