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The outrage and political blowback continues for three sitting Los Angeles City Council members after leaked audio from a meeting last year revealed racist and offensive remarks.  

In addition to the derogatory slurs, Councilwoman Nury Martinez, who has since resigned as city council president, along with Councilman Kevin de León, outgoing Councilman Gil Cedillo and a top county labor leader were heard speaking nonchalantly about ways to afford their own political gain.  

“It just proves a lot of things that a lot of people already suspected about L.A. City Council,” Jon Peltz told KTLA.  

Peltz is a reporter with Knock LA, the first to publish the leaked audio recordings.  

“You have Ron Herrera in the room, who is this labor leader, just openly talking about candidates he supports, wanting to make sure certain people are reelected,” Peltz said. “You know, it really comes off as this is the way it is and this is the way it’s always been. I think that’s probably the most powerful part of the audio, is just how un-seriously these people are taking these issues. You know, they’re couched with these horrible, racist jokes.” 

Martinez’s decision to step down as president, but remain on the council also drew sharp criticism.  

“Resign from the council, all of it. We should not have anyone serving that is not about the whole community,” Assemblywoman Tina McKinnor, who represents Inglewood, said at a press conference.  

Speaking at a different press conference, Councilman Mitch O’Farrell spoke out with a similar sentiment.  

“It is unconscionable and it is not something I think we can get through unless the individuals involved resign from office,” he said.  

L.A. City Council is set to meet Tuesday morning at 10 a.m.