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U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris has thrown her support behind George Gascón in his bid to unseat Jackie Lacey as Los Angeles County’s top prosecutor, campaign officials said Tuesday.

Harris — who served as San Francisco district attorney for seven years before Gascón took over the office in 2011 — called Gascón a “proven leader” in the criminal justice reform movement.

“As D.A. of San Francisco, George led fights to reform the Three Strikes Law, decrease the state prison population and get people convicted of nonviolent offenses greater opportunities to get their lives back on track,” Harris said in a statement. “As D.A. of L.A. County, I know George Gascón will work every day to keep our communities safe and demand real accountability from our justice system and real justice for every Angeleno.”

Gascón and former public defender Rachel Rossi are challenging Lacey in a March 3 primary that has grown more heated in recent weeks. All three candidates squared off in a contentious debate last month that featured tense exchanges between Lacey and her opponents as well as several interruptions by protesters.

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