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Gayle Anderson was live in Costa Mesa at The Bone Adventure Swim Club, which is providing Summer water pet protection classes and tips. Here’s a specific list of risks and tips the dog swim club suggests to ensure your dog is safe and healthy in water, be it a pool, ocean, rive or lake. • Sunburns – We use baby sunscreen for dogs. • Drowning – Use of a life jacket with a handle is ideal for any beginner swimming dog. The handle is useful to easily grab a dog from any body of water. • Exhaustion – Give breaks to keep them from over doing it – 30 minutes of swimming is usually as prime amount of time for the average dog • Hot temperatures – Can lead to heatstroke or burning their paws. If the ground is too hot for us, it is too hot for them. Always provide clean drinking water and shaded areas. • Ingestion – Pool water, salt water, sand, foreign objects, dead fish. Provide water and choose clean swimming areas like The Bone Adventure Swim Club. • Currents & Tides – Never leave dog unsupervised when swimming. • UTI, Ear Infections & Skin Issues – Always rinse dogs off after swimming. For more information, contact: The Bone Adventure Swim Club 2700 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-604-1414 Instagram: @TheBoneAdventure If you have questions, please feel free to call Gayle Anderson at 323-460-5732 or e-mail Gayle at