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Super King Markets has become the latest retailer to drop Chaokoh coconut milk over an animal rights group’s claims that the product’s Thai manufacturer uses monkey labor.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, alleges that Theppadungporn Coconut forces monkeys to pick its fruit, citing evidence from an undercover investigation in Thailand last year, according to Kent Stein, PETA’s corporate responsibility officer.

Theppadungporn representatives did not respond to requests for comment but denied using monkeys in a news release in July.

For more than a year, PETA has targeted U.S. retailers that sell Chaokoh, demanding they pull the milk from shelves. In October, Costco dropped Chaokoh, following the lead of other chains, including Walgreens, Wegmans, Food Lion, Giant Food and Stop & Shop.

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