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Despite the high temperatures recently experienced in Los Angeles County, most county-operated pools closed for the season on Aug. 21.

Next year, however, that won’t be the case, as the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday authorized a six-month pool season, instead of the 10-week season that recently ended.

The new season, which affects 25 of the 30 county-run pools, will last from May 1 to Oct. 30.

The item, which passed with a unanimous vote, was authored by Supervisor Janice Hahn and co-authored by Supervisor Kathryn Barger.

“People love our County pools and they are sorry to see them close every August, right in the middle of the hottest months of the year,” Hahn said in a statement. “Our public pools are some of our most valuable community resources and they should be open as long as the weather permits.”

“With triple-digit temperatures lasting through the fall, Los Angeles County communities need affordable, accessible ways to keep cool,” Barger added. “Extending the swim program at local pools will allow residents to stay active, connect with neighbors, and beat the heat.”

The county’s Department of Parks and Recreation will work with the county’s CEO to find funding for the extended season and train additional lifeguards. They will return to the Board of Supervisors in 90 days with a report on their findings.