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Five teenagers were arrested earlier this week after surveillance video allegedly captured them vandalizing a Northern California grocery store, according to KTLA sister station KTXL.

Five teens were arrested in connection with the vandalism of a grocery store that was captured on surveillance video. (Credit: KTXL)
Five teens were arrested in connection with the vandalism of a grocery store that was captured on surveillance video. (Credit: KTXL)

The teens, four girls and a boy, entered a Save Mart store in Marysville Wednesday afternoon and “terrorized the store,” police told the Sacramento-area television station.

During the rampage, the teens shouted gang slogans as they walked through the store aisle by aisle, grabbing things from the shelves and throwing them to the ground, police said.

Among the various items thrown was a bottle of cooking oil, which left the store’s floor slippery and caused a 64-year-old retired Air Force veteran to fall, the station reported.

“He actually slipped in a puddle of cooking oil on the floor, he landed very violently on his left side,” an unidentified police spokesman told KTXL.

The man possibly fractured his elbow and had to be taken to an area medical center for treatment.

At one point, the teens grabbed a bottle of alcohol from the liquor aisle and allegedly began drinking, according to the station.

Authorities estimated the total damage to the store was in the thousands of dollars.

However, it did not appear that they stole anything from the store.

Several employees tried to intervene and stop the group, including a manager who was punched in the face by one of the teens, KTXL reported.

Two officers who responded to the scene also sustained minor injuries when the attempted to arrest the teens and one allegedly resisted.

All five have booked into juvenile jail on multiple charges, including felony vandalism, KTXL reported.

Their names have not been released.

Investigators believed the motive may have been retaliation, as three of the teens involved had been arrested two days prior to the incident on shoplifting charges, authorities said.

KTLA sister station KTXL contributed to this story.