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Another local cemetery has been ransacked and headstones stolen, according to a post on social media.

On Saturday, Aisha Woods posted a video to Facebook showing the work she and others had done cleaning up Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery, located at 16701 S. Central Ave. in Carson.

During that cleanup, however, it was discovered that multiple graves had been targeted by apparent vandals and thieves who took boxer Joe Louis’ plaque that was dedicated to World War II soldiers, she said.

Another plaque dedicated to President Abraham Lincoln was also damaged in an apparent attempt to remove it from a monument.

After using some type of material to establish that the monument was bronze, the vandals tried to saw off part of it and bend back the plaque.

They also took about 100 plaques from the mausoleum, she said.

“I was understandably pissed, very, very upset,” Woods said in the video.

Woods’ discovery comes just days after she found a similar crime had taken place at Woodlawn Celestial Gardens cemetery on West Greenleaf Boulevard in Compton.

Because of the value of metals like bronze and copper, it is believed that the items are being stolen to be sold as scrap metal.

“They’re sick. They’re totally sick … We really gotta find these creeps,” she said.