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LOS ANGELES (KTLA) — Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa admitted to reporters Friday he would like to be governor of California.

“I do believe in public service, I do want to serve the people of this town, and one day the people of this state again,” Villaraigosa said.

But the mayor claimed he would only pursue the state’s top job if he could make a difference.

“Although I would like to be governor one day, I only want to be governor if I can be transformational,” he said.

Villaraigosa revealed his short term plan was to land a job at a university or think tank that focuses on the country’s “broken” political system.

Although he did not elaborate on which university or think tank he would like to join.

The mayor also addressed a controversial new article in LA Weekly that claimed he is broke.

The story said Villaraigosa spent the last eight years living like a millionaire, thanks to his official residence, LAPD driver, out-of-state travel, and tickets to high profile events.

But it speculated his fortunes would soon fall, because he will leave office in July without a place to live or a car, and possibly without a job.

When asked for his reaction to the story, Villaraigosa admitted he is not rich, however, the mayor dismissed speculation that he was having financial problems.

“Hey.  I’m like most Americans, trying to make ends meet,” Villaraigosa told reporters.