Man tries to abduct barista from coffee stand’s drive-thru window, video shows

Police in Auburn, Washington, are searching for a man who attempted to abduct a barista through the drive-thru window of a coffee shop.

The incident, which took place early on Monday morning, was caught on the shop’s surveillance camera.

As seen in the video, the barista appears to be handing the suspect his change when he grabs hold of her arm, yanks her toward him and tries to ensnare her head or arm with a “looped ziptie device,” as police described it in a news release issued to Facebook.

She yanks her arm away and evades his attempt to pull her through the window, at which point he drives off in a four-door truck, the video shows.

In its Facebook post, the department asked the public for any information on the suspect’s identity. Police noted that he had a “unique tattoo” on his left arm reading “Chevrolet.”

The Auburn Police Department had not apprehended the suspect as of Tuesday morning, but they received a “tremendous” number of tips from the community since putting out a call for more information on Facebook.

“We’ve received a lot of good leads,” said Officer Kolby Crossley, the public information officer of the Auburn Police Department, in a statement shared with Nexstar.

Police have refrained from naming the location where the attack took place, though several locals alleged to know where the incident took place. A worker for the coffee stand later appeared to confirm the location and identified herself as the victim seen in the video.

She told Nexstar she’s confident the police will be able to track down the suspect.

“The police will find him,” said the worker, who did not reveal her name.

The alleged victim also suggested the suspect was intent on abducting someone that morning, though not necessarily her.

“He was going to do it to someone that day and it happened to be me,” she said.

The worker added that the stand’s owner has provided employees with “mace,” “tasers” and a panic button for safety.

“The owner does everything you can imagine for us to try and secure us at work,” she said, which is why she said she’s remained a long-time employee of the shop.

Police in Auburn, Washington, are searching for a man who attempted to abduct a barista through the drive-thru window of a coffee shop. The victim said she’s confident the suspect will be caught. (Auburn Police Department)

The incident, meanwhile, has left viewers and Auburn residents shocked, with some expressing worry for the continued safety of the victim.

“This is by far the scariest thing I have seen in a while,” one viewer on Facebook wrote. “Women be careful out there. Young women aren’t safe anywhere!”

“That tattoo is going to give him away and he clearly looks like he’s done this before and was prepared,” another commented. “This is a dangerous dude. I hope you find him soon.”