Average price of gas drops 2 cents per gallon, but it’s still highest in California

A customer prepares to pump gas at a Shell station on July 12, 2021 in San Francisco. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

The average U.S. price of regular-grade gasoline dropped 2 cents over the past two weeks, to $3.23 per gallon.

Industry analyst Trilby Lundberg of the Lundberg Survey said Sunday that it’s the first decline in gas prices in nine months.

Nationwide, the highest average price for regular-grade gas is in the San Francisco Bay Area, at $4.49 per gallon. The lowest average is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at $2.70 per gallon.

According to the survey taken Friday, the average price of diesel was $3.33 a gallon, down just a fraction of a cent from weeks earlier.