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President Biden’s job performance rating among Californians has dipped slightly in recent months, even as his infrastructure and domestic spending plans register as highly popular, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

The survey from the Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, cosponsored by the Los Angeles Times, found that Biden still scores high marks in the state. He earned the approval of 59% of registered voters, down 3 percentage points from the previous poll this spring. Biden’s disapproval rating has ticked up marginally, from 34% three months ago to 37% today.

Californians’ views of the president are deeply stratified by party; 85% of Democrats approve of Biden, while just 11% of Republicans do. Biden received approval from 58% of voters with no party preference.

The decline in his rating is driven by modest dips in approval from Democrats and unaffiliated voters, who may be antsy to see progress on his legislative agenda.

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