Marine Asks UFC Champ Ronda Rousey to Ball, Video Goes Viral

A Marine’s video request for a well-known MMA fighter to attend a Marine Corps ball with him has gone viral after he posted it on his personal Facebook page.

Jarrod Haschert, who is stationed out of Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, published the video on Aug. 22. In it, the 22-year-old asked UFC women’s bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey to be his date at the upcoming event.

“You are my celebrity crush. Like, I love everything you do and I think you are a phenomenal person. Which is why it would be my honor to take you to the Marine Corps Ball on Dec. 11,” he said in the video.

Although Haschert stated he knew she was training for a fight the month after the ball, he urged her to seriously consider his invitation.

“If you do, you’ll truly be making my dream come true,” he added.

The Marine said that the invite was inspired by a female Marine’s successful request to get Justin Timberlake to go to her ball, according to Charlotte, North Carolina, television station WBTV.

“Ronda is by far the coolest chick I’ve ever seen,” he told the station this week. “I’ve been watching her fights since I was in high school and every fight is more exciting than the last. As I said in the video she is absolutely my ‘celebrity crush’ and I just kept thinking, it’s worth a try.”

He said that his roommate and best friend convinced him to make the video.

In less than a week since he posted it on Facebook, the video has been viewed more than 3.8 million times and shared about 176,000 times.

It did not appear, however, that Rousey has responded to the Marine’s request as of Friday morning.
