Nebraska Woman Gets Box Full of Gifts from Bill Gates in Reddit Secret Santa Gift Exchange

A Reddit user got the best possible secret Santa this year: Bill Gates.

As part of the website’s Secret Santa 2016 gift exchange, a woman named Alicia was more than a little surprised to learn the world’s richest man had sent her a box of gifts.

“I was just flabbergasted,” wrote Alicia, whose handle is Aerrix, in her Reddit post. It was a thrill for Alicia, who said her 2015 secret Santa stood her up.

Gates included a signed note “with best wishes from Seattle,” along with a photo of himself holding the note for proof.

A representative also confirmed to IGN.com that the large packages that showed up at Alicia’s doorstep were “authentic” and that Gates has been participating in Reddit’s secret Santa exchange for several years.

Gates, it turns out, is a generous gift-giver.

Alicia, a 30-year-old video game lover, found several video games, a classic NES video game system, some video game-related paraphernalia and a picture in which Gates photoshopped himself in with Alicia, her husband and her dog, among other goodies.

“I lost it y’all,” she wrote on Reddit. “I did. I started screaming like a little girl to my mom on the phone…I was just blown away!”

Alicia lives in Nebraska now, but she’s originally from Louisiana, so Gates decided to throw in the cookbook “Big Flavors of New Orleans,” in case she was missing her Cajun food.

Alicia snapped this photo after unboxing all of the gifts:

“I’m just blown away by his generosity, which went even further than all these gifts because he submitted a donation to Code.org in my name to give more students the chance to learn computer science,” Alicia wrote.

Here is the entire letter from Gates to Alicia:

“I can’t believe your Secret Santa left you hanging last year. To ensure you don’t lose faith in the Reddit Community I’ve enclosed several gifts that I hope you enjoy. There are a few video games for you to play, some things to keep you warm, and three of my favorite movies to watch over the holidays.

I’ve also made a donation in your name to Code.org to help give more students the chance to learn computer science.

With Best Wishes from Seattle, Bill Gates.

P.S. I won’t be able to consult with the Sorting Hat but I can tell that you are quite clever – so I got a pair of Ravenclaw slippers from Hot Topic.”

Gates has surprised Reddit users as a secret Santa four years in a row, one website reported.
