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Louisville’s police chief says a man has been charged in the shooting of two officers during protests over a grand jury’s decision in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor.

An arrest citation says video has been recovered that shows 26-year-old Larynzo Johnson shooting at two police officers who were wounded during protests in Louisville over a grand jury’s decision in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor.

The citation says Johnson was among a crowd in downtown Louisville that had been told to disperse after setting fires and causing property damage. The citation says Johnson intentionally fired multiple times at officers, hitting two of them.

Johnson has been charged with two counts of assault on a police officer and multiple charges of wanton endangerment of police officers.

Interim Police Chief Robert Schroeder said the two officers are “doing well and will survive their injuries.” Maj. Aubrey Gregory was shot in the hip and was treated and released from the hospital. Officer Robinson Desrouches was shot in the abdomen and underwent surgery.

A curfew remains in effect for the next two nights after fires and and violence against police officers during protests, according to authorities.

Cities around the country saw protesters take to the streets after a Kentucky grand jury’s decision to not bring charges against Louisville police for the killing of Breonna Taylor during a drug raid gone wrong.

Prosecutors said Wednesday that two officers who fired their weapons at the Black woman were justified in using force to protect themselves.

Instead, the only charges brought by the grand jury were three counts of wanton endangerment against fired Officer Brett Hankison for shooting into Taylor’s neighbors’ homes.

Schroeder says the other two officers involved in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor remain on administrative leave.

Officers Myles Cosgrove and Jonathan Mattingly were among the officers who burst into Taylor’s apartment on March 13 and Schroeder said Thursday morning they have not returned to active duty.