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President Trump has yet to contact or publicly praise Waffle House hero James Shaw Jr.

“I haven’t heard anything, but that’s not to say he didn’t try to contact me, or not,” the 29-year-old admitted when asked by CNN’s Van Jones on ‘The Van Jones Show’ if he had been contacted by President Trump, despite White House press secretary Sarah Sanders saying on Tuesday that the White House intended to invite him for a visit.

Shaw gained national recognition after he pried a rifle from a gunman who killed four people at a Waffle House in Tennessee. Hours later, Shaw launched a fundraiser to help the victims and their families, raising more than $225,000 as of Saturday afternoon.

Last week, Tennessee lawmakers officially recognized his heroism in a General Assembly joint resolution that praised his “brave actions.”

Asked by Jones how he felt about the President of the United States missing “an opportunity to hold up somebody who’s trying to do good stuff like you,” Shaw Jr. was magnanimous.

“I know he has a busy agenda, a busy schedule. Maybe he just hasn’t got around to me. Maybe my time is coming,” he said.

Shaw emphasized he isn’t looking for praise and it is not up to him “to judge” the President’s actions.

“I did what I did and I didn’t really do it for recognition,” he insisted.