New Hampshire woman, 57, gives birth years after losing teen daughter to brain tumor

Barbara Higgins cradles her newborn's head in her the family home on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 in Concord, N.H. Higgins who lost her 13-year-old daughter to a brain tumor in 2016 has given birth to a son at age 57. Barbara Higgins, and her husband, Kenny Banzhoff, of Concord, have been dealing with grief over the death of their daughter, Molly. (Geoff Forester/The Concord Monitor via AP)

A New Hampshire woman who lost her 13-year-old daughter to a brain tumor in 2016 has now given birth to a son — at age 57.

Barbara Higgins also had a brain tumor of her own while trying to get pregnant and had it removed.

Higgins and her husband, Kenny Banzhoff, of Concord, have been grieving for their late daughter Molly.

In recent years, the couple, who also have an older daughter, thought about having another child. They found an in vitro fertilization clinic in Boston that worked with them.

Higgins gave birth to a healthy boy named Jack on Saturday. He weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces.

“Yes, I’m scared and I’m anxious, but I’m so excited,” Higgins told the Concord Monitor for a story published Friday.

Higgins, an avid runner who has been a high school track coach, said she did weight training until the day she went into labor.

In addition to Higgins’ struggles with her brain tumor, Banzhoff, 65, had been living with kidney disease and underwent a transplant.

According to Guinness World Records, the oldest woman to give birth was 66-year-old Maria del Carmen Bousada Lara, who had twins in Spain in 2006.