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Senate Republicans on Monday rolled out the major pieces of a $1 trillion economic relief plan that would provide a second round of $1,200 coronavirus stimulus payments to many American adults and slash enhanced federal unemployment payments from $600 a week to $200.

Senate Republicans have struggled for days to hammer out internal differences in crafting their long-anticipated COVID-19 economic relief plan, which they released Monday afternoon as several separate individual bills. But their unity may not last long, particularly after compromises are made with Democrats, who passed their own, more generous relief bill in the House in May that includes $1,200 checks and an extension of the $600 unemployment benefit.

The Republican plan provides the new round of stimulus checks to adults and $500 per dependent, regardless of age. The full amount is expected to go to people with taxable incomes of up to $75,000. It would be gradually phased out for people with taxable income up to $99,000; those above that income level would be ineligible for the payments.

Democrats proposed the same income scale, but called for $1,200-per-child payments for up to three children.

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