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The lawyer representing Stormy Daniels, the porn star suing President Donald Trump, claimed Friday that she has faced physical threats.

Stormy Daniels is shown in a photo tweeted by CNN's Nick Valencia on March 10, 2018.
Stormy Daniels is shown in a photo tweeted by CNN’s Nick Valencia on March 10, 2018.

“My client was physically threatened to stay silent about what she knew about Donald Trump,” Michael Avenatti told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” He said more details would be forthcoming in Daniels’ upcoming interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” which is scheduled to air later this month.

“She’s going to be able to provide very specific details about what happened here,” Avenatti said. He would not answer whether or not it was someone close to the President who threatened her.

CNN has reached out to Larry Rosen, a lawyer representing Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, and Jill Martin, a Trump Organization lawyer who has been involved in legal matters related to the Daniels allegations.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, filed suit last week against the President over a nondisclosure agreement she claims is void. The agreement was made just before the 2016 election with Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who paid Daniels $130,000 for her silence about an alleged affair she had with Trump in 2006.

Cohen and the White House have denied the allegations of an affair between Daniels and Trump.