Time ‘Person of the Year’ Shortlist Includes Trump, Separated Families and Blasey Ford

An emotional father embraces his son for the first time in months on Aug. 7, 2018, in Guatemala City, Guatemala. (Credit: John Moore / Getty Images)

Actress-turned-duchess Meghan Markle and “Black Panther” director Ryan Coogler joined Donald Trump, separated families, Robert S. Mueller III and Christine Blasey Ford on Time magazine’s shortlist for the 2018 Person of the Year.

Selected by the magazine’s editors since 1927, the title is bestowed on a person — or people — who most influenced the news and the world, for better or for worse, during the last year. On Monday, the magazine revealed the top 10 candidates on NBC’s “Today” show, which will also name the titleholder on Tuesday’s show. Markle and Coogler were the only entertainment figures represented during another contentious news year.

Last year, the “Silence Breakers” who spoke out against sexual assault and misconduct earned the magazine’s cover spot.

Here’s who made the shortlist this year:

Donald Trump: The tweet-happy U.S. president was named the 2016 Person of the Year when he was president-elect. Last year, when he also made the shortlist, Trump tweeted he had passed on the nominal title, though Time disagreed

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