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To convince North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to eventually give up his nuclear weapons, President Trump showed him a White House-produced video that looked like a cross between a propaganda film and movie trailer about an action hero.

“When a man is presented with a chance that may never be repeated, what will he choose?” a narrator asks in the four-minute video, which was shown twice Tuesday — first in Korean, then in English — to a confused throng of journalists who weren’t told what they were watching.

“The world will be watching, listening, anticipating, hoping,” the voice echoed in the hotel ballroom before Trump emerged to hold a 65-minute news conference. “Will this leader choose to advance his country … be the hero of his people?”

The video — one of the more surreal moments in a summit that even Kim compared to a science fiction movie — was billed as “A Story of Opportunity,” and included a mock movie intro that said it was “A Destiny Pictures presentation.”

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