Extreme sports on the green for an ‘epic’ golf tournament

The ‘Epic Journey Golf Classic‘ isn’t your average golf tournament. Red Bull athletes are competing, skydivers are jumping into the event, the Red Bull Nomad armored truck is appearing, and much more action can be expected.

‘Epic Journey’ is a sobriety-based company offering drug and alcohol-free retreats that incorporate action sports and healthy lifestyles. Founder and CEO, Preston Durnford, shares his journey to sobriety and explains why this company is important to him and others. The ‘Epic Journey Golf Classic’ benefits the Red Songbird Foundation to sponsor as many people through substance abuse or mental health treatment as possible.

The golf tournament takes place on May 28, 2021 at Tijeras Creek Golf Club in Rancho Santa Margarita. You can register, donate, or sponsor by visiting: epicjourneyraising.com.

This segment aired on KTLA+ ‘Off the Clock’ on May 17, 2021.