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Just days after strong Santa Ana winds fueled the Highland Fire in Riverside County, more gusty winds are expected to hit SoCal beginning Tuesday. 

Peak gusts of up to 50 miles per hour are forecast, according to the National Weather Service, with widespread strong winds set to batter most of the Southland. 

Low humidities will accompany the high winds; Wednesday’s humidity could drop to as low as 12% and on Thursday, humidity could drop even lower to 8%, the National Weather Service said. 

“Gusty offshore flow along with low relative humidity have the potential of bringing red flag conditions Wednesday and Thursday,” the NWS explained.

A wind advisory is in effect until Thursday at 2 p.m. for most of Southern California. 

By Wednesday afternoon, winds in many areas will be “howling,” according to KTLA 5 meteorologist Henry DiCarlo

To brace for the strong winds, weather officials recommend securing loose items outside that can be blown over and reducing speeds on roadways.